Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Old Streetlamp of the Past Gets Updated for a Green Future - WSJ.com

The Old Streetlamp of the Past Gets Updated for a Green Future - WSJ.com: "


Streetlights were the first big users of electricity. Now, they are being re-engineered to improve efficiency, but at a cost that today's municipalities might have a tough time covering.
San Jose, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley, is testing a concept called 'adaptive lighting,' in which streets can be made brighter, darker or even be illuminated with flashing strobes upon command.
By summer, the city will have installed 125 streetlamps using LED technology, in one of the biggest urban tests of the science so far in the U.S. The city hopes to cut down on energy use, and, hopefully, lower its utility costs, by tapping LED lighting's greater flexibility.
The test in San Jose coincides with a broad push by federal and state agencies to modernize the nation's lighting infrastructure. Many homes and businesses have replaced incandescent bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescent lights. Now cities, faced with tighter budgets, are looking for ways to cut street-lighting costs and to reduce emissions from power plants."